I received my PhD in Political Economy at King's College London. I work on issues related to political behavior and political economy with a special focus on transboundary crises, immigration and outgroup contact. You can read my CV here.
Contact information:
Bushuis/Oost-Indischhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam
Selected work
Media exposure to highly skilled immigrants and attitudes toward immigration. 2024 Forthcoming in Political Behavior
Europeans' attitudes toward the EU following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 2024 (w/ H. Klüver) Forthcoming in Political Science Research and Methods
Null Effects of Social Media Ads on Voter Registration: Three Digital Field Experiments. 2024 (w/ P. John, F. Foos, V. Cheng) Research & Politics 11(1)
What determines elected local leaders' support for hosting refugees in their community? 2023 (w/ K. Fabbe, E.Kyrkopoulou, K. Matakos), Journal of Politics 85:2, 778-783
Do text messages increase voter registration? Evidence from RCTs with a local authority and an advocacy organisation in the UK. 2023 (w/ F. Foos, P. John, V. Cheng), Electoral Studies, 81 (102572)
Good news for whom? The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine announcement reduced political trust. 2021 (w/ S.P. Hargreaves Heap, C. Koop, K. Matakos, N. Weber) , PLOS One 16 (12)
Decoupling trends: Drivers of agency independence in telecommunications: An analysis of high and middle‐income countries. 2019 (w/ I. Özel), Regulation & Governance 15 (1)
Working papers:
The political effects of leader communication during crises. (w/ H. Klüver, S. Hobolt, T. Rodon) Revise & Resubmit
Hustle and the tussle. How the UK's vaccine roll-out impacted EU attitudes in EU countries. (w/ I. Rodriguez, L.Herbig, T.Rodon, H.Klüver, T.Kuhn) Revise & Resubmit
When a line becomes a wall: An analysis of the effect of intra-EU border closures on European identity. (w/ T.Kuhn, L. Herbig, H.Klüver)
Victim-blaming Social Norms and Violence Against Women: Correcting Misperceptions or Morality Drive Policy and Behavior Change? (with S. Bermek and K. Matakos) VoxEU
We cannot disagree forever! Reality polarization and citizens’ post-pandemic fiscal adjustment preferences. (w/ S.P. Hargreaves Heap, C. Koop, K. Matakos, N. Weber) the Washington Post